ADV_FSP.1    Informal functional specification


ADV_RCR.1 Informal correspondence demonstration

Developer action elements:

ADV_FSP.1.1D  The developer shall provide a functional specification.

Content and presentation of evidence elements:

ADV_FSP.1.1C  The functional specification shall describe the TSF and its external interfaces using an informal style.

ADV_FSP.1.2C  The functional specification shall be internally consistent.

ADV_FSP.1.3C  The functional specification shall describe the purpose and method of use of all external TSF interfaces, providing details of effects, exceptions and error messages, as appropriate.

ADV_FSP.1.4C  The functional specification shall completely represent the TSF.

Evaluator action elements:

ADV_FSP.1.1E  The evaluator shall confirm that the information provided meets all requirements for content and presentation of evidence.

ADV_FSP.1.2E  The evaluator shall determine that the functional specification is an accurate and complete instantiation of the TOE security functional requirements.